College + Internships + Clubs + HYV

Dear God,

I don’t know what I want to do, but I don’t want to be lazy.

I want to push forward with hard work and focused work.

God, Please make away for this college stuff I am attempting to prepare for.

Please Lord God don’t make it so that I just have to settle but let me get something that would be perfefct for me and that it would enable mamny incredible opportunities in the future.

Lord God also place me into an internship with Google or Facebook make it a way that I can deliver great value to these companies. Again Lord God, I don’t want to settle for anything than what You have the best for me.

I don’t want to settle for the crumbs of your blessings so please do not let me be the kind of person who saves everything for the deadline.

thank you Lord God, last but not least Lord place me into the right clubs. THe right clubs that can push me and develop me the best.

thank you Father God, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Thank you Father God because you are on who believes in me.

Thank you Father God for sending the people to me that will open up doors.


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