Dear Father God, thank You for taking the time to speak with me. I know I too often need the help. It is very easy to fall to my iniquities but I claim the prayer of Jabez in my life.
i jumped to a recent spot and then boom, I saw Pastor bill Winston talking to me/us about the nature of time and the fig tree, that is something I have not heard anyone else talk about, then talks about the cancellation of debt several times. I couldn’t have expected it or where it was going.
That said, the next day God actually forgave all of my debt, when it came to the ScaleConvo debt from the lawyer, which was upward of 10k in legal costs. I truly didn’t think of anything of the moment at the time, and I truly didn’t expect this. In part, I thought the injections of all your debt was cancelled seemed out of the place at the time.
But I realized at the moment in time, that after I received the email

The unbelievable part is when I was working with Ivory to write this email, I actually suggested we put up $1.5k each for the cost. However, God truly zero’d out the debt account.
Wow! Praise God what a story and testimony!

And prophecy:
Dear Father, you have been my Heavenly Father now and always. But even before and after that you gave me earthy Fathers and mothers I will always be grateful for.
As well as Pastor TD Jakes several years ago:
Lord Jesus, I think you for all the promises, provisions, and declarations and visions and anointings placed on my life, It is the greatest moments in my life, and easily my most prized possession,. I want to love You with my whole Heart, mind, and soul. and I don’t want to make room/allow room for anything else .
In the middle of my gym workout, thank You so much for sharing this message with me and Your clear direction and guidance and Your message of Hope. Praise Jesus, I Lord God will need Your help and blessing and other opportunities to sow blessed seed in my life, for all the different opportunities that are past and will come Jesus. Help me be planted on fruitful soil Jesus!!
Lord God, Thank you for letting me see what I have seen, and what I will see.
Thank You that I am a mighty weapon used in the hand of a Mighty God. And That I will a have a huge impact on Your Kingdom here. Moreover, thank You that I will be the vessel of Your Glory here on Earth. Joy, Praise, Worship, Brotherly Love, and Creation will always be on my lips, heart and Mind. Teach me O Lord to sacrifice the wrong things in my life, such that I might be able to finish the race You have for me with Gusto and strength that only You can provide.
Thank you for all the days of my life with sickness free, cancer free, pain free, that I am blessed with Your Jehovah Rapha’s blessing and healing all the days of my life and that blessing and healing power will be extended to my generations. And Godwillingly I will live to over 100 years, running, dancing, and Praising You Lord Jesus all my days. In Jesus Name, I won’t attend another hospital.