Dear Father, I need your strength. I am so weak

Dear Father,

I have no idea how I am going to tackle all the things I am facing right now with school. I am failing in so many ways because I am not learning what I can. I haven’t excelled in school in such a long time. Your covering has never failed despite my so many shortcomings. I am so grateful for Your grace in my life.

I don’t deserve it, but thank You. I thank You for the scholarship. I thank You for the New Computers. I thank You for a family who would be willing to give me a second chance. I thank you have given me a billion chances despite all my shortcomings on previous second chances.

I thank You Father, that you are giving me the only source of will and energy. I thank You for how You are using me… how You are going to use me.

Lord God I thank You for the companies You are helping me build and enabling me to build. God let me be a bankroll for your kingdom on earth.

Lord You God please use me to fulfill what You have show me and what You continue to show me. Lord God, I don’t want to live by any way outside of Your Grace specifically on my life.

Lord please look into my heart, mind, and life and I ask You to do with all the parts of me that you don’t like with as You Will. Moreover, Lord God also the parts of the Me that You like please have with it as You will.

God I am so grateful for you, but I don’t want to take any of this forgranten. Give mme a passion and discipline to always to finish the work in my life on time and in advance. I don’t want to keep turning things in late and regret it. Please Father, I need Your Grace and Partnership in building these things. I can;’t do any of this without Your heavenly inspiration or Your incredible Gift and prophecy of having others find me and be willing to collaborate with me.

God please help me avoid putting myself in relationships that force me to burn new relationships. Lord You God You said the memory of the Righteous but that of the wicket rot Lord teach me Your pricniples that anyon who interacts with me will immediately know the differences in the person who I am.

Lord God also thank You so much for giving me a second chance at the Concert.

Lord God please help me learn this stuff in such a radically powerful way that no matter what assignment I do , I can achieve the absolutely top of my possibility and be able to understand process things better reven when I was young. Please Father I want to learn this stuff. .. and become a powerful weapon on this earth for Your Glory.

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